Turning our Restless Energies into Spirited acts of Leadership fit for these times requires commitment. Our framework guides our exploration and informs our practices.

Four Pathways to Spirited Leadership

Training Body and Mind to give ourselves firm foundations to engage constructively, compassionately and creatively with all that we face.

Deeply Exploring All That Matters because by engaging honestly with all that is true, however unpalatable, we liberate energy to act.

Catalysing Generative Relationships because we need everyone to contribute and yet so much polarisation and division exists.

Formulating Creative Experiments so we can learn our way through uncharted territory.

To learn more about our framework and these interweaving developmental pathways, read James’ three-part blog starting here.

If you would like companionship and support as you do the courageous inner work required for wise, timely outer-world leadership, join us. To learn more about our community and how we work, book a 30 minute discovery call.